Empowering Learners Strand
We see students as key stakeholders of the future, and as valuable co-creators of academic environments within universities. This strand aims to explore and develop initiatives, methods and structures in which students experience being actively involved in shaping their own education – and future – and through these empowering experiences, acquire the tools and mind-sets to be able to act as global citizens. We recognise the importance of a balance between staff- and student-led processes, and see students and staff working in partnership as key to the development of the Matariki Global Citizenship Programme.
Both faculty and students from MNU partner universities participated in the Global Citizenship Programme’s first workshop in April 2016, in which they explored critical notions of global citizenship, shared work and experiences, and collaboratively proposed structures and content for the emerging Global Citizenship Programme. This student-faculty model was a success, and will continue to be an important part of the programme’s activities.