– “CEMUS Diaries – Stories from past, present and future”
Here you can find a weekly blog series ran as part of the CEMUS’ 25th Anniversary, written by present and former students and staff that have been involved in CEMUS reflecting and contemplating about our past and future work.
Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS): CEMUS is a student-led and faculty-supported transdisciplinary centre at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with the explicit ambition to contribute to a more just and sustainable world. It offers a wide range of courses within the environment, development and sustainability field, developed through close collaboration between students, course coordinators, teachers, researchers, university administrators and societal actors.
Active Student Participation: Active student participation refers both to students as a resource in each other’s learning (peer-to-peer learning) and students who are co-creators in the planning, implementation and evaluation of education. Active student participation at Uppsala includes field trips and sessions organized by students; students as mentors or seminar leaders; students as supervisors in problem-based learning; students as ambassadors of higher education; student-led courses; students reviewing course literature; students highlighting perspectives they feel are missing.
Student Participation project:
Barrineau, S., Schnaas. U et.al. 2015. ´Breaking Ground and building bridges: a critical reflection on student-faculty partnerships in academic development´. International Journal of Academic Development.
CEMUS Education: Pluralistic Education, Empowering Learners, and Education for Sustainability:
Parrique T. 2015. `Planting the Seed of Change: A Student-led Introduction Course to Economics`. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education.
Stoddard, I., Rieser, I., Andersson, S. and Friman, E. 2012. ‘Igniting a learning revolution: student-run higher education for sustainable development’. The Solutions Journal, 3(5): 34-39.
Ishihara, S. & Marcos Valls, A. 2016. Back from the Future We Want – Backcasting as a pedagogical practice towards sustainable futures, in Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainability Education edited by Joseph Weakland, Peter Blaze Corcoran, and Arjen Wals.
Barrineau, S. & Kronlid, D. 2014.`Wicked Leadership Education: On student-led higher environment and sustainability education´ in P.B. Corcoran, B.P. Hollingshead, H. Lotz-Sisitka, A. E.J. Wals and J.P. Weakland, 2014: Intergenerational learning and transformative leadership for sustainable futures.
Hald, M. (ed.) 2011. ‘Transcending boundaries. How CEMUS is changing how we teach, meet and learn’. Uppsala, Sweden: Cemus – Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University and SLU.
A full list of Publications about CEMUS Education is available here.